Since January 2020 we have partnered with not-for-profit reforestation projects to donate enough money to pay a local person a fair wage to grow, plant and guard to maturity 1 native tree for every bike we sell.
As of October 2024, Reid have grown 300,000 trees and counting!
We believe that life experienced in nature helps us to be healthier, more mindful and focused people; and we try to do our part in ensuring these environments are there into the future for the benefit of all.
Reid is a home-grown Australian brand now distributing in 35 countries around the world and making bikes for some of the most trusted names in cycling. We have now extended our ‘Buy One, Plant One’ pledge to every bike we sell to our supply contract partners around the world too – and this has really kicked our impact into overdrive!
What better way to reduce your carbon footprint than to ride a bike AND plant a tree? Reduce emissions, sequester carbon in nature, protect biodiversity and ultimately mitigate climate change. Plus, more trees means nicer places for you to ride!
To make this a reality, Reid has partnered with Veritree; a 501c3 non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide fair wage employment to local people as agents of global forest restoration.
They pay people a fair wage to grow, plant, and guard to maturity the native forests across Asia and the Americas.
Their “employ to plant” methodology results in a multiplication of positive socio-economic and environmental benefits that not only rebuild natural ecosystems, but support local economies to deliver this outcome.