How to choose the correct size bike
The most important part of getting on a bike that fits you properly is choosing the correct size frame in the first place.
From there, you can adjust things to get an optimal position for the type of riding you’re doing and to suit your physical characteristics like limb proportions and flexibility.
All our bikes feature tables for the recommended size frame for your height.

Although height is not the most precise measure for bike fit, it is the simplest to use for most riders. If you are on the cusp of a size range, you can then review the geometry tables for more precise detail.
Customer Support are happy to offer advice on sizing/fit.
How to do a quick bike fit
Now that you’ve chosen the correct size bike, this quick video guide will help you set it up for comfortable and efficient riding.
To do this job you will need a multitool or a set of allen keys.
1. When positioning your saddle, set the angle at near horizontal.
2. To set the ideal height, begin by raising the saddle to level with the head of your femur.
3. Now sit on the bike to check for comfort. With the pedal at its lowest point, you should have a 20 degree bend in your knee.
Handlebars - Flat
1. The other major area for fit is your handlebars. First we’ll cover flat bar bikes.
2. The ideal position to start with is to set your levers at an angle where your wrists are straight when you’re seated.
3. To adjust this angle, you will need to release the face plate. Now rotate the bar to your ideal position and retighten.
4. Remember to tighten the face plate screws in a crosswise pattern, keeping the gap even across the plate.
Handlebars - Road
1. To adjust the angle of the bars on your road bike, you will need to release the face plate.
2. A good position to begin with is to set the hoods of your grips horizontally.
3. Now you can fine tune a position where your wrist is straight and relaxed when in a seated riding position.
4. Retighten the face plate in a crosswise pattern.
Handlebars – Quill Stem (Vintage)
1. Riding a Vintage bike is more about comfort than performance, so experiment and find your preferred position.
2. Loosen the top screw using your allen key. This allows you to lift and lower the stem. Be careful not to raise it beyond the minimum insertion point.
3. To adjust the angle of the bars, loosen the screw under the head of the stem. Now rotate the bars to find a comfortable position when seated.
4. Remember to check you have tightened the bars up again before riding.
A note on the importance of bike fit...
Keep in mind that if you are a casual rider then fit and riding position pretty much comes down to preference. If you’re just pedalling down to the shops, then you are unlikely to care much about optimal efficiency or develop overuse injuries from poor saddle position.
Any part of the fit that is not optimal will become increasingly more problematic the further/harder/more regularly you ride.
How to do a quick bike fit
Now that you’ve chosen the correct size bike, this quick video guide will help you set it up for comfortable and efficient riding.